And if it's something novel, you have high-quality, uniformly selected data that could be used." "Most of the time that will tell you it's a plane, it's a balloon, whatever. "If you have something seen by multiple cell phones, with good timestamp data, at multiple angles, you're able to infer the location and velocity of that object," Spergel said. He said someone capturing a UAP could then use a custom app to feed that data to a central website where it could be compared with similar observations. Not to mention GPS location data and accurate time stamps. "Cell phones record not only images, we're all used to cell phone cameras, but they measure the local magnetic field, they are gravitometers, they measure sound, they encode enormous amount of information about the environment around them." "There are three to four billion cell phones in the world," Spergel said. As for what might be recommended, Spergel offered one interesting possibility: a cellphone app that would allow users to collect and send along valuable data. The panel plans to issue its report later this summer. "If a fighter jet took a picture of the Statue of Liberty, then that image would be classified, not because of the subject in the picture, but because of the sensors on the plane." "Unidentified anomalous phenomena sightings themselves are not classified, it's often the sensor platform that is classified," Fox said. Unlike the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which has access to classified UAP data and is focused more on national security, NASA's study is based on unclassified reports and sightings to improve transparency and cross-agency communications. The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study was chartered by NASA to assess available detection techniques and technology and to develop recommendations for improving the detection of UAP, ensuring the collection of reliable data needed to better understand what they might be. "In fact, if I were to summarize in one line what I feel we've learned is we need high-quality data." And one of our goals, and having NASA play a role, is to remove stigma and get high-quality data. Commercial pilots, for example, are very reluctant to report anomalies. "And we feel many events remain unreported. "Despite NASA's extensive efforts to reduce the stigma, the origins of the UAP remain unclear," Spergel said.

Spergel said one of the goals of the panel is to help reduce that stigmatization to encourage airline pilots and others to come forward when they see a UAP, not to fear ridicule or embarrassment.

Your harassment also obstructs the public's right to knowledge."

"Harassment only leads to further stigmatization of the UAP field, significantly hindering the scientific progress and discouraging others to study this important subject matter. "NASA stands behind our panelists and we do not tolerate abuse," she said. Nicola Fox, director of NASA's space science directorate, said "it is really disheartening to hear of the harassment that our panelists have faced online, all because they're studying this topic." And we have a community of people who think addressing this question is ridiculous, everything can be explained." "We have a community of people who are completely convinced of the existence of UFOs. "We steer between the rocks and the cyclone," said panel chairman David Spergel, a widely respected cosmologist. Panel members said they have faced online harassment since the study was announced by NASA last year from those who believe UFOs in the traditional sense are, in fact, behind some of the unexplained incidents, and similar objections from those who believe the research is a complete waste of time.